Tokyo University of Science Professors’ Paper on Water Splitting Using Photocatalyst Materials Selected in Chem Soc Rev Top 10

The following paper written by Professor Akihiko Kudo, et al. from the Department of Applied Chemistry in the Faculty of Science Division I relating to water splitting using photocatalyst materials was selected as part of the Chem Soc Rev Top 10 for 2009.

Heterogeneous photocatalyst materials for water splitting
Akihiko Kudo and Yugo Miseki, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 253.

Chem Soc Rev Top 10 is a list of the top 10 papers from among all of the papers featured in Chemical Society Reviews, a journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry in the UK, that were accessed the most on the Web in 2009. Based on this, studies relating to hydrogen production by photocalayst materials have been gaining attention worldwide.

In the Kudo Laboratory, research on separating hydrogen from water using photocatalysts is being conducted. In the future, there are expectations for this research to pave the way in the manufacture of hydrogen for use in fuel cells from water and sunlight, without having to rely on petroleum.