New Light in Cancer: NTU Plays a Role

Nanyang Technological University researchers led by Asst Prof Koh Tong San from School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) have come up with a new method of taking images of a cancer tumour.

NTU researchers led by Asst Prof Koh Tong San from School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) have come up with a new method of taking images of a cancer tumour. This breakthrough in the bioimaging field is gaining interest because it is less invasive and lead to a better diagnosis and tracking method since doctors can monitor what's is happening in the patients' body conveniently.

This technique uses a new computer model and complicated mathematical formulas to put together a new images which shows accurately what the tumour is doing, the amount of nutrients it is consuming and how much it is growing. When this technique is applied to the regular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Technography (CT) scanning machines, they will cause them to give more information about the tiny vessels in the tumour and the blood and nutrient flow (as compared to the MRI and CT scan's information on the major blood vessels' flow only).

"With our new method the tumours show up more clearly on the scan. This mean the doctor can pinpoint the location of tumours more accurately." Said A/P Koh Tong San who led the team of researchers. More than 10 volunteer patients at National Neuroscience Institute have been checked using the new imaging method.

Published: 10 Jun 2005

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